We have recently taken our Define Tomorrow events on tour around the South of the UK, presenting the top It trends we have seen within 2017 so far. We understand that not everyone can make it to these events due to other commitments, however we wanted to bring the event to you online. Below are copies of the presentations from our latest event in Oxford at Williams F1 Conference Centre. 


One of the biggest IT trends that is very prominent in the news this year is Security. At our event we had Barry Coombs, ComputerWorld Director present about the rising threat of security and how this trend is becoming more prominent in the news and to your business everyday. See Barry's presentation below:

Cyber Security is becoming increasingly more prominent in the news this year and something that we at ComputerWorld are seeing as one of the top trends within the It industry in 2017. Watch ComputerWorld Director, Barry Coombs present his thoughts about the increasing risk that cyber attacks is putting on your business every day.


Following on from Barry, we also heard from Liam Puleo, Solutions Architecture at BitDefender discuss how cyber security has matured, grown and changed over the years and the new ways that cyber criminals are making their millions. Liam also presented the Bitdefender solutions to help businesses should they be attacked, but also the solutions Bitdefender offer to mitigate the risk of you experiencing a cyber attack. See Liam's presentation in the video below: 

At our recent event, ComputerWorld's preferred security and Anti-virus partner, Bitdefender presented their findings and views on the security industry in 2017. Liam Puleo, Solutions Architect at Bitdefender discussed how cyber-attacks have grown, matured and changed over the years.

Workspace Transformation 

With the ability for users to bring their own device, work collaboratively online and from any location on any device, on paper the implementation of a workspace transformation solution should tick all the boxes for your business, making you business more efficient, however  in reality this can cause many issues for the IT because you may not know what applications or devices your users are using, where they are storing it or who they are sharing it with but ultimately the responsibility of all this data is yours.  Barry discusses solutions that can make the job for the IT team easier and more controlled. 

At a recent event, ComputerWorld's operation director, Barry Coombs presented his thoughts about where the industry is now and where it is moving towards in the future. Barry discusses the change of user needs and demands and the effect this has on the mobility, efficiency and ultimately the security of your business.

How your datacentre infrastructure is changing

Introduction to HyperConverged Infrastructure

What is new in vSAN 6.6?

Simon Todd, also known as Mr.vSAN presented to the audience about how past trends that have shaped the future of the datacentre and of course about how vSAN technologies has advanced and about the new features of vSAN 6.6.

Mark Shaw, UK VMware Technology Lead at Dell presented about how the datacentre infrastructure is changing recently to a software-defined datacentre platform and the building blocks Dell, with VMware vSAN can help you get there with ease. 

At a recent ComputerWorld event, Mark Shaw, UK VMware Technology Lead at Dell presented about how the data centre infrastructure is changing recently to a software-defined data centre platform and the building blocks Dell, with VMware VSAN can help you get there with ease.

At one of our recent Define Tomorrow On Tour events, Simon Todd, also known as Mr.VSAN presented to the audience about how the datacentre is changing, the trends that have shaped the future of the datacentre and of course about how VSAN technologies has advanced and about the new features of VSAN 6.6.

IaaS and next generation data protection 

iland, ComputerWorld's chosen backup and DR partners presentation was focused on backup and disaster recovery within the cloud.

Alex Crowe introduced the iland solutions and the overview benefits these can bring to your business and dug into the platform iland have created to make the cloud secure and efficient whilst using an ease-to-manage platform.

At a recent event, iland, ComputerWorld's chosen backup and DR partner presented their solutions to ensure that your data is kept secure in the cloud whilst using an easy to manage platform.

During the second presentation Alex and Richard focused on their Veeam offering and Richard Stinton performed a live demo of the iland offering around Disaster Recovery using Veeam Cloud Connect.

At one of our Define Tomorrow events, iland presented about their offerings around Disaster Recovery and Backup within the cloud and demonstrated these offerings live .