The Importance of Embracing Equity in the IT Industry

The tech industry has always stayed ahead of the curve. In fact, it's part and parcel of what technology does. Yet one thing that tech hasn't been ahead of (even level pegging with) is its level of diversity and inclusion. Don’t get us wrong, the number of women in tech is growing…slowly. 33% of the whole industry is made up of women. So, what’s stopping women from being a part of one of the fastest and biggest growing industries? Well not thinking equitably may be a part of the problem. Before women even start in the industry there isn’t level footing, and when a part of tech…. well let's just say there is more needed to be done. 

But why equity over equality?

So, for 2023 we are being called out to embrace equity. Now you might be thinking “equity, equality same thing” but these two very similar words have very different outcomes. So, let's break it down:

Equality = Each person/group is given the same opportunities/resources.

Equity = Recognition that each person has different needs and circumstances and allocated the resources/opportunities they need to reach that equal outcome.

So, although all members of the group are given the same support in the first image, not all of them can achieve their goals (equality). But with equity, it's giving everyone a fair chance to reach them.

But what does this have to do with gender and IT?

Women aren’t still properly represented within the IT industry, so we need to think of equity when getting more women into tech. Think Equity when it comes to being a woman in tech. AND equity when thinking about getting more women into senior positions in technology.

So here are some things the tech industry can do to embrace equity:

 Unconscious biases

Now everyone has some form of unconscious bias, BUT what’s important is making sure that it doesn’t interfere in the business setting. You see unconscious bias can affect diversity in the workplace, as we all are naturally drawn to people who share a commonality. So, for IT? If there are more men in higher positions, in control of the hiring process, they may unconsciously lean more toward those who are “like” them.

How to keep unconscious biases in check? Check out this handy list you should keep in mind next time your recruiting.

Family needs.

During covid 2.3 million women left work, to take care of their family’s needs (whilst men were at 1.8 million). Realising that equal opportunities aren’t enough, you need policies and checks in place to retain your female talent, is simply a must. So have a look into gender-neutral parental policies, care policies, strategies to enable women to come back to work whilst balancing motherhood, and even pension policies.

Mind that (pay) gap.

Although women are being represented more in the industry, a glaring issue is the gender pay gap. 78% of large IT organisations admitted to having a gender pay gap. Now, this gap can depend on different elements, the woman’s age, hierarchy positions, skills, and experience – but with a massive figure like this, it can deter women from joining the industry.

Talking about pay has been an uncomfortable topic for many over the years, we need to start being more transparent when it comes to pay. Look at more equitable pay strategies and look into your policies and opportunities (check above) if a pay gap is there from the lack of measures in place to help women work and achieve.

Open and honesty

Even if you have the most diverse workforce, keeping things equitable behind closed doors is still very important. To find out what your colleagues are thinking, experiencing, and even struggling with, make sure you encourage people to talk (yes, even those uncomfortable conversations). Equality training should be on your list of priorities, help people understand others and what they can do to help. And do more than talk, make a fun day of it, so it sticks in people’s heads more (Rather than the HR version of death by PowerPoint). But even with training, make sure you have a safe, inclusive, and private platform, where each individual talks about their problems, concerns, etc. (Because how can you help, if you don’t know about the issue).


But remember doing steps for equity not only help women but to diversify the industry further. Tech needs more diversity as there is a skill shortage in careers, and businesses, well they NEED diversity because it has been